Struggling with the new Apple Mail redesign? Here's a guide to revert back to the familiar.

Published: 01 Mar 2025
Not always is new better - for those who miss the old layout of Apple Mail, here's how to get it back.

Sometimes change isn’t always welcomed, especially if it’s the user interface on an application we use regularly and have grown accustomed to. With the recent redesign of Apple Mail, many users have found the transition rather daunting. It’s not that the new design is flawed, but the familiarity and ease-of-use of the old layout have made it difficult for some to adapt. For those who prefer the old, classic look over the new appearance, there’s good news - the chance to revert back!

Beyond just software nostalgia, the classic layout provides a unique sense of comfort and control. It’s straightforward, plain, and utilitarian, allowing users to focus on the content of their emails rather than the aesthetics of the app. In a world that’s constantly evolving, sometimes holding onto a small piece of digital stability can provide an unexpected sense of relief.

While the redesign of Apple Mail may be the wave of the future, it’s essential to remember that each user’s needs and preferences are diverse. By providing the option to revert back to the classic layout, Apple respects the individual preferences of their users, underscoring their unwavering commitment to user experience. So, for now, users can enjoy the best of both worlds - embracing the new while resting in the comfort of the old.