Embracing the adage ‘birds of a feather flock together’, Threads is taking a leaf from one of society’s oldest systems of networking - shared interests. By trialling a feature which displays ‘interests’ on user profiles, Threads aims to generate a more engaging, personalized user experience.
The goal? To weave together the fabric of its user-base through the threads of shared interests and topical discussions, essentially creating a more connected community. With the ‘interests’ feature, users are given the power to align themselves with particular topics and, in doing so, open channels with like-minded individuals who share these common interests.
Sometimes change isn’t always welcomed, especially if it’s the user interface on an application we use regularly and have grown accustomed to. With the recent redesign of Apple Mail, many users have found the transition rather daunting. It’s not that the new design is flawed, but the familiarity and ease-of-use of the old layout have made it difficult for some to adapt. For those who prefer the old, classic look over the new appearance, there’s good news - the chance to revert back!